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Mimosa Hill Farm

Christmas Letter 2004

Texas Flag Tile Mosaic


Christmas 2004

Dear Family and Friends:

Another year has swiftly past and it is time once again to bring greetings to all of you from the Jacobs family of Brenham, Texas. So much has happened this past year that it is hard to know where to begin, however we will try our best to bring you up to date on all the news from our family.

Who can believe that the time has passed so quickly. The year 2004 is nearly passed. As usual we thought that we had plenty of time to get the annual letter done this year, but once again we find ourselves rushing and struggling to get it out......just not enough hours in a day! Life is like a whirlwind, so hold onto your hat for some fast and furious news! Our youngest son gets first place in the report once again. He is our baby, but not so little anymore. On Christmas Day Benjamin turns 18. I can’t believe how quickly the time has passed. As you may know Ben did not take the traditional route in education. This past year he finished his core High School courses over the internet with Texas Tech University and took his GED exam at Blinn College this summer. We are happy to say he passed and received his diploma from the State of Texas. We were surprised at the comprehensive nature of the exam. It took two days and covered history, science, math, english, reading, and composition. Ben said he was glad the math part had more geometry than algebra as he thought his geometry skills were stronger. He wants to go on to Tech School some day soon and learn more about computers so he can work in that field. He has been looking for a full-time job, but no success so far. The unemployment rate in our area is very low and nobody has wanted to hire a 17 year old. Perhaps that will change after he turns 18. His interests remain the same, mostly computers, electronics, and music.

Aaron was 20 in June and is now taller than Dad! He sports a beard most of the time. He lost a great deal of weight this past year and looks really good. (Dad needs to follow his example!) He worked for a furniture company most of the year, but got hurt at work this summer and decided maybe a safer line of work was expedient. He has gone to work for High Cotton Baking Company running the shrink wrap machine. We thought it was just a local Mom and Pop operation at first, but they got an order for 100,000 cakes in October to be shipped by the holidays. They have now signed agreements with Walmart and Sams to carry their product after the first of the year. Aaron thinks he might be getting in on the "ground floor" of a business as the owners really seem to like him and his boss went to school with Aaron at Grace Lutheran. We hope that is the case and that this really works out for him. His interests continue to be music, basketball, and working out. He is playing in a billiards league in town and teaches Sunday school at church.

Tricia and her husband Brett, their kids, Melissa, Erica and Austin still live just down the hill from us. Melissa is in the Sixth grade, Erica is in Third grade and Austin is in First grade. They also attend Grace Lutheran School. Melissa is involved with sports and cheerleading at the school and enjoys it very much. Erica likes her schoolwork and does very well with her lessons. She is a very happy child and loves anything she is involved with. Austin is all boy and full of energy. He especially likes to be with his Dad doing whatever he is doing. Brett continues to work as a full-time electrician at Blue Bell and Tricia works part-time at the Daycare at Church as well as room mother, Sunday School Teachers, and helping out our First Grade Teacher at Grace School. We are very proud of her as she also received her High School Diploma from the State of Texas. As you can see their whole family stays very busy.

Jan and her husband Ross still live in Brenham in an apartment with their 3 kids, Rebecca Third Grade , Jillian a very busy four year old and newest baby Matthew born in March of this year! He gave us quite a scare when he would not breathe on his own and Grandpa had to Baptize him in the hospital. He is a healthy little guy now and for that we are thankful. Jan also works part time for the Church Daycare and Ross continues to work as the Produce Manager for Walmart here in Brenham. Rebecca loves basketball. Jillian loves staying home and helping Mom with baby Matthew.

All of the Grandkids like the farm and come to visit quite often. It is a special time for them when each one gets a chance to spend some time with their Granny. Besides being a Granny to all the little ones Melissa wears many other hats. She is wife, mother, and Jill-of-all trades around the home, farm, and keeps Dad fed and on schedule at the Church. This past year she has been busy keeping the household running and helping Ben to prepare for his exam. She likes to work on her computer and spends some time with her genealogy, though not as much as she would like to spend. She has quite a talent for growing plants too. She has turned the back deck into a lush green garden with many different varieties of plants and has added some tropical plants around her fish pond. She has plans to expand that this next year, if time and energy allow. She has become an old hand at farm chores and does them most of the time in the evening. Her chickens keep us in eggs which is a great thing. Her vehicle kind of gave up the ghost this past year, so she got a new one. She drives a quad cab truck now and likes it. (Dad must be rubbing off on her!) She had to have surgery the first of December and spent a few days in the hospital. She is recovering nicely. Good thing she got most of the Christmas shopping done before that or we’d all be lost!

Matthew stays busy too. He rarely has time for much of anything but the daily routine. Between the Church and the Farm life can get hectic. Farm chores begin shortly after 5 am in the peaceful quiet of darkness. The farm life is a relaxing hobby most of the time and Dad enjoys it very much. The beef, pork, chicken, and eggs taste good too! Matthew's days are busy enough with the task of being Senior Pastor at a large Church, but there is work to do also at the Day School. The economy being what it has been in our area has put a great strain on the congregation in maintaining the school. It is the same pretty much everywhere. Not as many people seem to value a Christian Education as once did. Along with serving Grace Lutheran Matthew has been helping a small vacant congregation on Sunday afternoons. As Circuit Counselor it falls to him as one of his duties until he can help them find other arrangements. Matthew’s leg has been giving him more problems this past year. He got an ATV to help with farm work and it is nice when he goes hunting because he just can’t walk all those distances anymore. (Melissa and the boys really like it too for riding around....and the grandkids enjoy a ride with their grandfather every once in awhile also.) All of these "new-fangled" contraptions really make life and work easier!

In September Matthew, Melissa, her brother Clyde, her sister Wanda and their families as well as Cousin Helen and Melissa’s Mother surprised Melissa’s Dad on his 80th birthday by taking him back to where the Griffin Ranch used to be. It was in their family for over 100 years! What a day for everyone. One that none of us will ever forget. We all had ATV’s and the Lord provided us with the most beautiful weather you could ever hope for. Dad Griffin showed us where he was born on the ranch and where his father was born as well. In fact the log cabin has fallen but it is still there. Melissa had the privilege and the pleasure of living and working on the Griffin Ranch while growing from a child to an adult.

We hope that you have truly enjoyed a glimpse into our life as recorded on these pages. We encourage all of you to stop and see our world if you are ever in this neck of the woods. We thank God for the blessings He has given us this past year--home, health, family, life, and salvation and we pray that your family has been equally blessed!

In this most blessed and holy of seasons, may the true peace of God which does indeed surpass all human understanding be yours in the Christ Child by whose life, death, and resurrection we have the sure hope of life everlasting.

A blessed Christmas to all from the Jacobs family!

Matthew, Melissa, Aaron, and Benjamin

Drop us a note at: mmjacobs@direcway.com